Sunday, January 27, 2008

Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Landscape Architecture

Every time I turn around, another architect is adopting Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology. The adoption rate has been extraordinarily fast and it is only a matter of time until all design professionals will need to work within its framework. Just in case you have never heard of BIM, it is a fundamental shift away from CAD, which has basically been a more efficient drafting tool with limited database capabilities. BIM on the other hand is a complex three dimensional model of a project that includes extensive database capabilities. Since you are designing in three dimensions, at its most basic level you can more easily detect conflicts in the building. This could include a conflict between a structural beam and a mechanical duct of some sort. This reduces necessary changes during the construction process. In addition, you can pull traditional two dimensional drawings from the model. When the model is updated, the drawings are updated. Some other cool features include keeping track of schedules and cost estimating through comprehensive cost databases. This technology can allow you to quickly evaluate changes to the design, but the entire system is based on the accuracy of the model.

The model is central to the entire process. Because the system relies on the accuracy of the model, those imputing the information need more knowledge than what was typically needed for traditional CAD. In many cases, the operator in a BIM environment needs to understand the building process because they are literally building every aspect of the building. This is good for those who have the experience, but difficult for new graduates and the offices that need to train them to be productive. But even if the information has been input accurately, the tradition of shop drawings during the construction process raises other issues. Some see the model becoming the shop drawing as fabricators add to the model and get approval from the designer. This inevitably raises liability issues as the central documentation is being changed throughout the construction process.

BIM has also changed how design professionals work. Because the model is started early on in the design process, much of the work is done in the schematic and design development stages of the projects verses later in the construction document process. The construction document process becomes more of a formality and if someday the model becomes the document, the construction document process may disappear all together. This affects the traditional billing system where the emphasis is on the CD stage. Now design professionals need to consider reworking their compensation to be more front loaded because it is where they are spending more of their time. Of course this begs the question, how flexible is BIM and does it hinder the free flow of the design process? Hopefully I can address this in a future post.

I must admit I have not had the opportunity to use BIM, so I am only speaking from discussions that I have had with those who have used it. They have all been architects, and as a landscape architect I have not seen our industry begin to integrate BIM into their practice. In my opinion, it is because it is well suited for buildings that are predictably orthogonal. The added complexity of slope seems to make it much harder to develop it easily. On the other hand, maybe landscape architects just can not see the benefits or don’t have to use it. Most architects who use BIM simply export traditional 2D base plans for the landscape architect to do their work.

Despite these issues, BIM continues to grow and landscape architects may have to adopt it or be left behind.

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